Greetings everyone as you know my name is DJ Ken. You’ve probably heard about me on the blog at the EmpowerTech web site. Before we get started, let's talk about a man who’s been truly blessed, taught some of the best techniques in technology by some of the most genuinely committed, experienced, passionate & accomplished teachers in the educational industry over at the Empowertech school of computer technology. Now just imagine a man who was one of the top broadcast professionals on the air in America, and the regional manager for one of the top telecommunications providers in the USA. Then out of nowhere Glaucoma had struck & attacked him like a Visual Virus. Would you believe I never saw it coming? Although, I had been advised by my medical physicians that it would immediately impact my future, personal & business relationships. Actually, he simply explained to me that my life will unfortunately change completely if I didn’t agree to at least one more surgery, although I had recently endured five excruciating operations within the last two years and was refusing to tolerate another one. I went totally blind in just a few weeks, not knowing that my highly successful career would change like I could never imagine. I didn’t start crying or feeling sorry for myself. I kept on pushing but after awhile, I needed a way to communicate with my colleagues, employees, representatives & most of all the clients. Now if you know anything about me, this tragic event had to be dealt with at once. So I resigned immediately to take some time and find the resources to better myself for my four boys & my beautiful wife Barbi. And there it was, EmpowerTech. Most would not know this, but when I arrived at EmpowerTech, I did not know how to type, email, download, or even go on the internet. I could not use a computer at all. & yes thanks to Chris, Eric, Joan, Julie, Joanne, Rosemarie & the man Tom Lange my Teachers I became the computer geek that I am today. Now when I head out to the radio station I’m able to get my show going without an intern or an assistant. I just walk into the control room & pop in my NVDA flash drive then it starts talking; now I’m on my way. Once everything’s up & going I can find out which commercials & songs that I need to play next. Also it tells the time & the order in which to play them. Yes I am on the air & it's time to be the number one DJ in L A again. Thanks to the fine people over at Empowertech, yo’ boy Ken has his independence back! ”that’s Y I say every day I’m Empowered!
Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.
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Keep Posting:)